RMLA: Red Meat Levy Admin

RMLA is tasked with the specific aim to provide the function of levy administrator on behalf of the Red Meat Industry Forum
The Red Meat Industry Forum has applied to the government for the introduction of a Proportional Transaction statutory levy in terms of the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act , 1996(Act No. 47 of 1996) (the MAP act). Two ancillary statutory measures, the registration and the keeping and rendering of records and returns are also requested.
Nature of Business
As the members of the Red Meat Industry Forum, all have to attend to the needs of the various players in the meat industry they represent, it is envisage that the task to collect the information and payments as defined by the proportional transaction statutory levy should be outsourced to an independent administrator. The administrator will strictly handle the administration of the proposed red meat levy and in particular the collection of the funds due in terms of the information furnished by the levy payers. Red Meat Levy Admin (Pty) Ltd, in this respect is in the ideal position as its main members have 30 years experience in the meat industry and especially the administration side of the industry.
Business History
Red Meat Levy Admin (Pty) Ltd. was appointed by Meat Statutory Measure Service who is the custodian of the levy fund. Our aim is to provide the function of levy administrator on behalf of the Red Meat Industry Forum.
Red Meat Levy Admin (Pty) Ltd. strive to bring about a management information system which, through the collection, processing, evaluation and distribution of specific information, will address all the management decision needs of the members of the Red Meat Industry Forum in the most cost-effective manner possible.
Contact Details
Tel: (012) 348-7572
Fax: (012) 361-9837
Website: www.levyadmin.co.za