RMRD SA: Red Meat Research
& Development South Africa


Red Meat Research and Development SA (RMRD SA) is an umbrella organisation with the mandate of research and development under the auspices of the Red Meat Industry Forum (RMIF).

RMRD SA’s research mission is to:

Ensure that the South African PORK and Large and Small Stock Industries have the technology and knowledge to deliver products, in a profitable and sustainable manner using cutting-edge scientific advancements to maintain their global competitiveness.



The policy of the RMRD SA is to finance projects executed by recognised research institutions, dealing with agricultural research. Such institutions include the Department of Agriculture, Provincial Departments of Agriculture, Institutes of the Agricultural Research Council, all Universities and Agricultural Colleges.

Funding for research and development for research in the Red Meat industry comes from two sources. The red meat levy collected in line with legislation on every carcass sold and secondly from the The Red Meat Research and Development Trust. RMRD SA puts in an application, prior to each levy period of four years, for funding for research. Levy funding forms the larger part of the available funds.


Cattle & Small Stock Research Focus Areas

Research is focused on the furtherance, accumulation and improvement of knowledge in the livestock and related sciences through original and other investigations and methods of a scientific nature with the advancement of livestock production as the objective.Development is closely linked to research as it refers to activities by which knowledge acquired through research is utilized.Technology transfer refers to the transfer of knowledge and techniques and processes for the application thereof.

Focus Area 1: Sustainable natural resource utilisation

Focus Area 2: Livestock production with global competitiveness

Focus Area 3: Animal health and welfare

Focus Area 4: Animal products, quality and value-adding

Focus Area 5: The economics of red meat consumption and production in South Africa

Focus Area 6: Predation Management

Focus Area 7: Livestock Theft Prevention


Pork Research Mission

The mission for Pork research is to serve the interests of South Africa’s pig industry by:

  • introducing methods and measures to improve the competitiveness of the industry
  • promoting the consumption of pork and pork products among consumers
  • encouraging research
  • disseminating information among pig farmers and establishing links to coordinate with role players in the supply chain.


Pork Priority Areas

  1. The relationship between fatness (leanness) and reproduction of the sow
  2. Information and methodology to manage waste and effluent from piggeries and abattoirs
  3. Research into ways to mitigate the effects of climate change on pig production
  4. Appropriate infrastructure and equipment for optimal practices during product handling, transport and slaughtering of pigs
  5. New, rapid, sensitive and specific diagnostic tests that will reduce the time needed to detect and diagnose diseases
  6. New or adapted pig meat products on the market adhering to consumer preferences and buying patterns
  7. Decision support models developed for small and emerging pork production operations


Contact Us

Tel:012 361 2333
 012 348 6649
Fax:086 516 6377
Hettie:[email protected]
Ina:[email protected]
Beulah:[email protected]
Wilna:[email protected]
 PO Box 35207

For more information about applying for research funds visit http://www.rmrdsa.co.za/HOME.aspx

For more information about research performed on red meat visit the rmrdsa database https://rmrdsaonline.co.za/research-database/